This is where you can view individual learner responses to the Future Skills Questionnaire.
1. Log in to Compass+ with your email address and password -
2. Click on Learner > Current in the main navigation bar. (If you want to view this information for learners who have left your institution, click on Learner > Left in the main navigation bar.)
3. To search for an individual learner, enter their name in the search box in the top right of the screen:
4. Click on ‘View profile’ next to the learner’s name in your learner list to view their individual learner profile:
From here you can view the different sections of their profile using the Activities, Interests and Destinations, Questionnaires and Personal Information tabs.
Select the 'Questionnaires' tab.
5. If a learner has completed the Future Skills Questionnaire in multiple academic years, select the questionnaire responses you want to view from the dropdown box:
6. Use the toggle to view 'Answers only':
Downloading FSQ responses
To download a learner's FSQ responses, click on the green 'Download learner report' button at the top of the screen:
Please note: All learner activities, interests and intended destinations information and Future Skills Questionnaire responses will download into the PDF report.
FSQ responses are found in section 3.
You can download the PDF or print it by using the browser controls at the top of the screen. The screenshot below highlights where these are in Edge - Chrome/Internet Explorer/Firefox should appear in a similar place:
Alternatively, you can save the PDF report be right-clicking your mouse and choosing ‘Save as’ from the menu.