Please note: This functionality is part of a phased release so your institution might not see it yet - please try again next month if it is not available to you currently.
You can send a learner report by email with Compass+. Your learners will need to have their email addresses in Compass+ to use this feature.
If you're not sure if you have your learner emails in Compass+, please visit the MIS Integration page and check that you have the 'Student Email Scope' enabled.
1. Log in to Compass+ using your email address and password -
2. From the main navigation bar go to Learner >Learner Report
3. You will see the Learner Report table.
The 'Learner Report' column contains one or more icons showing the delivery status of the report:
Icon | Description | Use |
Send icon | Click this to send the learner report | |
Delivery history icon | Click this to see the delivery history of a previously sent report | |
Resend icon | Click this to resend a learner report | |
Resend not available icon | This indicates that the learner report is queued for sending. You will need to wait until this changes before you can send it again. |
To send an individual learner report.
1. Find the relevant learner, either using the search bar at the top right of the screen or enabling the filter and sort functionality in the table headers.
2. If the learner has an email address recorded in Compass+, their entry will show the 'Send' icon >
3. Click this icon to launch a dialog box that will show the email address of the learner.
- The email address comes from your institutions Management Information System (MIS)
- If you need to send the report to a different address for that learner, you can enter it here
- You must verify that the email belongs to the learner before doing this.
4. Click 'Confirm' to send the report or 'Cancel' to close the dialog box:
To send the learner report to multiple students.
1. Use the filter to select a group of learners by year or form group that you want to send the report to.
2. Either click the topmost tickbox on the left, next to the Actions column - this will tick all of the tickboxes underneath, or individually tick the learners that you want from the list.
3. Once you have selected the learners that you require:
- Click on the 'Actions' button on the top right of the screen and select 'Send learner reports to selected learners'
- This will open a dialog box showing the list of recipients
- Click on 'Confirm to continue' or 'Cancel' to close
- You will then see a dialog box with a privacy warning. Click 'Confirm' to send the emails or 'Cancel' to close.
4. The subject of the email the learner receives is 'Compass + Learner Profile Report for [name of learner]' and the body of the email contains this text:
Dear [name of learner]
Please see your attached learner profile report generated from Compass+ for [institution name], by [Name of Compass+ user who generated the email] on [date and time sent].
To open the report you will need to enter your birthday in the format ddmmyyyy - for example if you were born on 8th March 2011 you would enter 08032011.
Please do not reply to this email directly. If you have a question please email the sender: [Compass + user’s email address]
Yours sincerely,
[Name of Compass+ user who generated the email]
5. The email will have the Learner report attached in a password-protected PDF format as described above.
Track email delivery after learner reports have been sent.
After you have sent your learner reports, the Learner report status will be updated. The statuses are:
Status | Description | Actions the user can take |
Not sent | The user has not sent the report to the learner. | The user can send the report. |
Email queued | The user has sent the report to the learner and it is waiting in a queue to be sent to the email delivery service. |
The user can view the delivery history. |
Email Sent | The email delivery service has sent the report to the learner. |
The user can view the delivery history and resend the report if desired. |
Email delivered | The email delivery service has not received a non-delivery notification for the report. |
The user can view the delivery history and resend the report if desired. |
Error sending | The email delivery service has been unable to successfully sent the report. |
The user can view the delivery history and resend the report if desired. |
What to do if the majority of the learner reports are not delivered.
In some cases, the email system of an institution will not accept emails sent from Compass+. if this applies to you, you will be shown warning messages on the Learner report screen.
To resolve this, please check with your IT Manager that your system has whitelisted (allowed) the domain to send emails to your learners.