Thirty-minute webinars that are laser-focused on specific functionality in Compass+ that adds value when delivering an inclusive and progressive careers programme.
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Compass+ Bitesize:
- Activities Reporting
- Bulk Activities and Partner uploads
- Custom Groups
- FSQ analysis and reporting
- Learner Reporting
Compass+ Bitesize : Activities Reporting
- Understand the benefits of using the Activities reporting feature
- Learn how to analyse the data effectively and use this to inform further careers planning
- Identify learners who have/have not attended specific activities to enable intervention and outreach
- Know where to access further training and support
View and download transcript for Activities Reporting
Compass+ Bitesize : Bulk Activities and Partner uploads
- Understand how to download the Activities Upload Template ready to be populated and uploaded
- Understand how to download activities CSV files from Partner Platforms and upload into Compass+
- Identify ways to analyse progress against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks following an activities upload
- Learn how to analyse data from activities uploads that will support the strategic planning of careers and achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks
- Know where to access further training and support
View and download transcript for Bulk Activities and Partner uploads
Compass+ Bitesize : Custom Groups
- Understand how creating custom groups can effectively support your practice
- Learn how to attach learners to a custom group
- Learn how to attach custom groups to activities
- Identify how to amend membership dates for learners who are in custom groups
- Know where to access further training and support
View and download transcript for Custom Groups
Compass+ Bitesize : FSQ analysis and reporting
- Understand the benefits of using the FSQ reporting feature
- Learn how to analyse the data effectively, selecting specific criteria and learner characteristics
- Identify how to use FSQ responses to track progress for individual learners and show how careers activities are having an impact on careers learning
- Understand how to identify individual learners who may require more targeted support and intervention
- Know where to access further training and support
View and download transcript for FSQ analysis and reporting
Compass+ Bitesize : Learner Reporting
- Understand the learner reporting fields in Compass+
- Understand the built-in learner reports available in Compass+
- See the value of entering Interests and Destination data, how this impacts your Dashboard and the custom reporting available
- Learn how to save and access custom learner reports
- Explore how data can be used to inform your careers provision
- Know where to access further training and support
View and download transcript for Learner Reporting