This help article explains how Compass evaluations are auto-shared with the network.
Only schools that are registered on the Enterprise Advisor Network (EANR) will have auto-sharing enabled.
Enterprise Co-ordinators (EC) Hub Leads (HL) and Partners (formerly Local Enterprise Partnerships) will have access to Compass evaluation data within EANR.
To make sure the LEP Team are able to effectively support Careers Leaders to develop their careers programme, the auto-share function means that as soon as a new Enterprise Coordinator is linked to an institution, the previous, current and all future evaluations will automatically be shared with them.
The benefits to institutions sharing Compass evaluations with the Partner team through auto-sharing includes:
- An EC / Hub Lead can quickly identify areas of development where they can provide advice and support
- An EC / Hub Lead can sign post to resources or sources of support to help Careers Leaders make rapid progress against specific benchmarks
- An EC / Hub Lead can match Careers Leaders with local providers or employers offering activities in the area
- An EC can identify areas of strength in programmes and invite Careers Leaders to showcase these and share best practice with local networks
- An EC / Hub Lead will be able to identify on a local or regional level, areas of challenge and advocate for investment in support and resources in these areas.
In Compass+ click on the + icon at the top right of the screen, then from the drop-down, select ‘Share Evaluations & Plans’
If the institution is part of the Enterprise Adviser Network, you will see the Auto Share information bar below:
Please note : Where Compass evaluation data is being shared, a list of who it is being shared with will be displayed in a table (replacing the italicised grey text in the example screenshot above.)
You can choose to manually share Compass evaluation results with other registered Compass+ users by manually sharing evaluations. Find out How to manually share Evaluations and Plans
You can also share Compass evaluation results externally, to people who do not have a registered Compass+ account, by going to ‘Evaluations’ on the navigation bar, selecting the evaluation you want to share from ‘Your Evaluations’, click on the + symbol and then ‘copy results link’, you can then share this via email.
What information is shared?
Just the schools Compass evaluation data is shared. No learner-level data stored in Compass+ will be shared outside the institution. Only the designated Partner team will be able to see the Compass evaluations unless the institution or Careers Leaders has manually shared them with other registered users outside the Partner area.