If you raise a ticket via our service desk, the below outlines the response time you should expect.
The purpose of this SLA is to ensure the proper commitments are in place between The Careers and Enterprise Customer Service Team and the “customer” for the level of service and support to be provided in order to sustain all of our products.
‘Response’ means initial contact from CEC regarding your incident via email
‘Resolution’ means a solution is offered to the incident. This could entail a workaround or another strategy to perform the task.
‘Target’ We must meet these responses and resolution targets over the course of your contract as part of our SLA.
Type of incident | Description | First response time | Resolution time |
Urgent | Complete system failure. Unable to perform any critical tasks | 1hr | 5 working days |
High | A key system is not functioning properly causing high impact to how our system operates. There is no workaround | 8hrs | 7 working days |
Normal | An issue that causes impact to business operation but can be resolved by a workaround or manual process | 24hrs | 10 working days |