This article explains how to generate Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ) links for learners that will then be distributed to them individually.
Please see How to send Future Skills Questionnaire links to learners by email or Mail Merge if you plan to distribute FSQ links to learners in bulk.
- FSQ links are generated in Compass +
- You can send FSQ links to learners via email (alternatively you can use Mail Merge)
- Any uncompleted links will expire on the 1st August every year
- FSQ questions are fixed, you cannot edit or add additional questions
- Questionnaires cannot be saved and returned to later
- FSQ responses are not pulled into your Compass evaluation
Please note: there is a slight difference with terminology in the video due to language changes in Compass+, but the core functionality of generating FSQ links for learners remains the same.
You can generate FSQ links for your learners in Compass+ by following these steps (note: you can only generate ONE questionnaire per learner each academic year):
1. Navigate to 'Learner' in the main navigation and then select 'Questionnaires':
2. Select the year group that you would like to generate questionnaire links for first (in this example, we are generating links for Year 13):
3. Select the 'Generate new links' button to generate new questionnaire links:
4. A pop-up window will open. Here you need to select the questionnaire type that you would like the learners in that year group to complete:
5. Select the learners that you would like to generate a questionnaire link for. By selecting the tick box in the table header you can select all learners, or you can select the learners individually.
6. Once you have selected the learners, you will then be able to generate links by selecting the button at the bottom of the screen:
7. You will then be redirected back to the main page, where you should see the questionnaire links listed for each learner:
Once you have generated the questionnaire links, you will need to download these and supply them to the individual learners. Please note, each questionnaire link is specific to the individual learner and ensures that their questionnaire responses will be saved back to their Compass+ profile. Once generated, you will need to share the correct link with the right learner.
There are instances when schools try to generate FSQ links when learner year group data is not up-to-date for the current academic year. We have made an update to Compass+ so that if you generate an invalid link for a learner, the system can automatically detect this, and will:
- Mark any FSQ links as ‘invalid’ on the FSQ generate links tab
- Notify administrators via email in ‘real-time’, listing the learners that are affected asking you to regenerate the link for the learner on Compass+.
Follow the guidance here for more information: Regenerating links for the Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ)
After generating FSQ links and sending FSQ links to learners, you can also check that the links have been emailed to them successfully. Please see the Help Centre article below for further guidance:
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