Watch the video or read our step-by-step guide below:
Once you have generated Future Skills Questionnaire links for your learners in Compass+, you can easily download the links into an Excel spreadsheet to help you share the links directly with learners. Please note, each questionnaire link is specific to the individual learner and ensures that their questionnaire responses will be saved back to their Compass+ profile. Once you have generated questionnaire links, you will need to share the correct link with the correct learner.
The questionnaire links will already formatted and 'live' in the spreadsheet so you don't have to format each link before sharing with a learner.
1. Navigate to 'Learner' in the main navigation and then select 'Questionnaires':
2. Select the year group that you would like to download the questionnaire links for (in this example, we are downloading questionnaire links for Year 13):
3. Navigate to the 'Actions' dropdown and select 'Download links':
4. A light box or modal will then launch with the learners listed:
5. Select the learners whose links you would like to download to an Excel spreadsheet. You can select all learners by checking the tick box in the table header, or select individual learner tick boxes if you want to download a specific set of learner's links. Don't forget, you can also filter the list of learners by form group or teaching group first by selecting a specific group in the dropdown above the table:
6. Once you have selected the learners you would like to download, navigate to the bottom of the light box and select the 'Download links' button:
7. The Excel spreadsheet should download and appear at the bottom of your browser window:
8. Your Excel spreadsheet download should look like the list below. Please note: the group name field will only display if you have filtered your learners first using the 'Form or teaching group filter' above the table.
When you download your questionnaire links to Excel, the links are already ‘active’ and can be clicked on immediately by learners if you are distributing links manually, you don't have to format each link before sharing with a learner.