Compass+ is a free digital product, funded and recommended by the Department for Education, that enables you to benchmark, track and report on your careers provision at individual learner level.
Compass+ is available to most secondary schools, special schools, sixth forms and Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) in England.
Compass+ integrates with a range of Management Information Systems (MIS) to provide a secure and scalable platform that performs effectively as product usage grows.
- Be strategic : use features to support the strategic leadership of a progressive and inclusive careers programme
- Futureproof your careers provision : maintain an institutional memory by promoting a whole institution approach to careers and wider usage of Compass+ in your institution
- Meet the individual needs of all learners : use Future Skills Questionnaire responses and a range of Compass+ reporting to track careers learning journeys and target personalised support appropriately
- Evaluate, analyse and plan : interpret performance data to effectively report on delivery and plan for continuous improvement
- Quality assure careers : use data visualisations and Compass+ reporting to demonstrate impact and learner outcomes to internal and external stakeholders
- Centralise your Careers Partners : build a rich database of all partners who can support and enhance the delivery of your careers provision.
If you are an eligible institution with a compatible MIS, you can log in to your Compass account and upgrade to Compass+ now.
- Check to see if your institution is eligible to upgrade to Compass+
- Read instructions on how to upgrade from Compass to Compass+
Already use another platform to record careers activity in your setting? No problem… Compass+ integrates with a range of other digital products too; use a partner platform to tactically record careers activity and Compass+ to strategically drive careers forward in your institution.
Hear from practitioners across the country to learn how they use Compass+ to add value to their careers activity and measure the impact of their careers provision...
Creating your Institutional Memory with Compass+
The Value of the Future Skills Questionnaire
Using Compass+ to Build and Improve your Careers Programme
Using Compass+ to Prepare for Ofsted
Once you have successfully upgraded to Compass+, we have a range of guidance to help you get started.
Other articles you may find helpful:
If you are currently using Compass, eligible to upgrade to Compass+ and want to share this information with others i.e. SLT or IT Department, you can download a condensed version of this article here > Upgrading to Compass+ information