Please find resources below that will support with increasing FSQ engagement and enable the successful delivery of FSQ sessions.
FSQ Learner PowerPoint presentation.
We have learnt from experience that the more prepared and better-informed learners are before completing FSQ, the more likely they are to fully engage in completing it. This will lead to a higher volume of completed questionnaires, giving you rich and valuable learner data to support the development of your careers programme.
This presentation has been designed to show learners before completing the questionnaire.
The FSQ Learner engagement animation (see more detailed information about this below) is embedded into the FSQ Learner presentation allowing this to be played as part of the session introduction.
Remember to click 'enable editing' and 'enable content' when opening the presentation.
Each slide has notes at the bottom to support Careers Leaders/Teachers with session delivery.
You may wish to add your institution's logo to the slides, but we do ask that the text remains the same.
Please do not edit the text on the slides, as the presentation has been aligned with the CEC's wider approach to FSQ delivery.
Download the FSQ Learner PowerPoint presentation.
FSQ Learner engagement animation.
This short 2-minute video has been designed to encourage learners to meaningfully complete FSQ.
It clearly explains the purpose and value of FSQ, along with how easy it is to complete and how learner responses will be used. This video will help drive learner understanding and engagement during FSQ sessions and support learners to get the most out of completing the questionnaire.
Recommended next steps:
- Add a link to the animation on the careers page of your institution’s website
- Use the animation to help explain FSQ to parent/carers and other key stakeholders i.e SLT, Governors, EAs etc
- Include a link to the animation in any regular staff briefing/newsletters
- Play the animation in a staff CPD/training session to encourage wider institution buy-in to FSQ
If you have used the FSQ Learner animation in any other ways to support your practice, please get in touch and share this with us so we can continue to update this article, and provide real-life examples of use. Just Submit a support request, select ‘Other issue’ from the Request Type dropdown, and use ‘FSQ Learner animation use’ for the ‘Subject’ of the request.
Parent/Carer Information about FSQ.
Parents, carers and guardians have significant influence on their young person’s career decisions. It is very important that you are engaging with parents, carers and guardians as part of your careers programme.
Ensuring that you have considered parental engagement is also included within the requirements to fully achieve Gatsby Benchmark 1 within the Compass evaluation.
We have put together some key messages about FSQ that can be shared with parents/carers as part of your parental engagement strategy.
Consider adding this information to the 'Parents' section of your institution's website, or including it in any newsletters or briefings that are sent to parent/carers.
If parents/carers are supported to understand the purpose and value of FSQ, they may be more inclined to encourage their children to complete FSQ, especially if this is set as a homework task for example.
Dear [insert Parent/Carer name here]
This [week/ month/ term] learners in [insert year groups here] will be completing the Future Skills Questionnaire.
The Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ) is a set of questions that have been specifically designed for young people in schools and colleges to help them to think about their skills, strengths and what they might like to do in the future.
FSQ is a key feature of our school's careers programme. We will analyse learner responses to help evaluate our careers provision, plan future careers activities and also identify learners who may need additional support.
The questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, there are up to three sections of the questionnaire that cover the following areas:
- Careers knowledge and skills
- Essential skills for life and work
- Career Planning
Completing FSQ should be an engaging and insightful activity for learners that will encourage them to continue thinking about their future choices and next steps after school or college.
The Future Skills Questionnaire is completed online, through a digital product called Compass+.
All learner data is processed in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). More information about how Compass+ collects, uses and stores personal data can be found here > CEC Privacy notice.
If you want to know more about our careers programme, and/or would like to get involved, please contact [insert Careers Leader here].
Kindest Regards,