If a team member who is the sole administrator of your account leaves or is unavailable, other school users could get locked out of your account.
We recommend that your school plans ahead for how ownership will be handled if a member of your team leaves or is unavailable through long-term illness for example, and ensure that there are at least two active administrator accounts on Compass Classic or on Compass+.
The administrator approves other users of the tool and without an active administrator in place, no additional users can be added, and it is not possible to change the user role from Editor or Viewer to an Administrator account.
If your school does not have an active Administrator in place then please contact our Help Desk and they will be able to help:
You can find out more about managing users on Compass+ here.
You can contact our Compass+ Help Desk by emailing: compassplus@careersandenterprise.co.uk
Compass Classic
You can find out more about managing users on Compass Classic here.
You can contact our Compass Classic Help Desk by emailing: help@careersandenterprise.co.uk