Video: Hear what schools have to say about upgrading to Compass+...
Check your school’s eligibility
You can check that your school is eligible to upgrade to Compass+ by using our guide:
Schools eligible to upgrade to Compass+
The upgrade process
The step-by-step guide below explains how to upgrade to Compass+.
Please note: only an Admin user in Compass Classic can complete the upgrade process. If you are a Compass Classic Editor or Viewer user, please ask your Admin user to follow the steps below to upgrade.
Log-in to Compass Classic with your Admin username and password:
Click on ‘Read more and upgrade now’ and complete the Compass+ pre-upgrade tasks:
Click on the 'Upgrade now' button
A four-section form will then appear for you to complete. You will need to:
1. Confirm your school’s Management Information System (MIS)
2. Enter your IT Manager or MIS administrator’s contact details
3. Review your list of current Compass users:
- Review all your Compass Classic users and use the tick box to confirm whether each should be given access to Compass+. When you have reviewed your users, confirm that they have permission to access student data by ticking the box beside their name.
4. Confirm you have the authority and agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Notice:
Completing your upgrade
When you have submitted your upgrade form, you will see an acknowledgement screen. This details some final steps your IT colleague needs to complete to connect your MIS to Compass+.
The final steps will have been emailed to your IT colleague using the email address you provided in the form above.
We recommend you speak to them and arrange a time for them to complete your upgrade. It usually takes about 20 minutes.
Getting started with Compass+
You’ll receive an email welcoming you to Compass+ when you are connected:
The email explains how to get started with Compass+ and how to access help when you need it. We’ve also prepared two online self-service Compass+ training modules for new users. The modules are free and take around 30 minutes each to complete.
Log-in to Compass+
Help with upgrading
If you have any problems upgrading to Compass+, please contact our friendly Customer Service Team and submit a support request.