These resources have been designed to support a range of Compass+ users, from those getting started to more experienced users looking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Compass+.
1. Compass+ One-pager
This useful handout highlights the benefits of Compass+, outlines its key features and explains how to get started.
Compass+ One-pager PDF - v2
2. Compass+ New User Checklist
Just upgraded to Compass+...this checklist outlines the steps you need to follow to start using the product effectively.
Compass+ New User Checklist PDF - v2
3. Compass+ Next Steps Checklist
This checklist has been designed to help users who have mastered the Compass+ essentials and are ready to make effective use of more features.
Compass+ Next Steps Checklist PDF - v2
4. Compass+ Time-saving Tips Checklist
Top tips to follow for time-poor Compass+ users.
Compass+ Time-saving Tips Checklist PDF - v2
5. Custom Groups Checklist
A step-by-step guide to creating and using Custom Groups on Compass+
Custom Groups Checklist v1
6. FOR COMPASS+ USERS - Activities Upload Template Checklist
This checklist is for Compass+ users with Admin or Editor permissions. It is a list of recommended steps to help use our Activities Upload template effectively.
FOR COMPASS+ USERS - Activities Upload Template Checklist
7. FOR WIDER STAFF - Activities Upload Template Checklist
This checklist is for wider teaching and support staff who have been asked to use our Activities Upload Template. It has a step-by-step guide on how to use it effectively.
FOR WIDER STAFF - Activities Upload Template Checklist
Looking for resources to support delivering the Future Skills Questionnaire?
Please see Future Skills Questionnaire Implementation resources (PDFs).
Want to ensure wider teaching and support staff know what Compass+ is and what it can do?
Why not print out our Compass+ poster to display on staff noticeboards.