Compass+ is a free digital product from The Careers & Enterprise Company with features that help you to measure impact and inform continuous improvement of your careers provision.
Compass+ enables you to manage, track, evaluate and report on your institution’s careers provision at individual learner level.
To do this, we use learner data from your institutions’ Management Information System (MIS) pulled through to Compass+ by a digital platform called Xporter.
Xporter is managed by our specialist partner Community Brands, most commonly known as Groupcall. They provide data solutions for schools. We use Groupcall’s Xporter platform to manage the data feed between schools’ Management Information Systems and Compass+.
The MIS Integration page on Compass+ shows details about how your Compass+ account connects to the learner data in your Management Information System (MIS). You can use this page to:
- check and update the contact details of your IT Manager
- see which MIS integration method your school is using.
If your institution is still using Assembly, you will need to migrate to Xporter.
If you are still on Assembly, and your IT Manager has not yet started the process to move across to Xporter, you can use this page to send them an invitation to start the migration process.
Please note: Only institutions that have migrated to Groupcall Xporter can send FSQ links to learners via email from within Compass+.
You will need to contact your IT Manager and ask them to enable the Student Email Scope, this will allow you to send FSQ links to learners via email.
MIS Integration information.
When you navigate to the MIS Integration page, you will see one of the following messages:
Update to Xporter and update IT Manager details
- If the IT Manager fields are blank, click the ‘Update IT Manager’ details to enter this information
- If the IT Manager details displayed here are incorrect, you can also update them here.
Update to Xporter Groupcall authorisation and IT Manager details
- If your IT Manager details are correct, click the ‘Update to XoD : Send Groupcall authorisation email’ button, this will send an email to your IT Manager inviting them to start the migration process from Assembly to XoD.
The email to your IT Manager looks like this:
Enabling the Student Email Scope to send FSQ links to learners via email in Compass+.
Only schools that have migrated to Groupcall Xporter can enable the student email scope.
All current learner emails must be captured in the WorkEmail or HomeEmail field in your MIS if you want to send questionnaires to learners from Compass+.
You can manage learner email address data in the Groupcall interface by following these steps:
1) Login to Xporter using this link > Xporter login
2) On the left hand menu, click on Data Sharing
3) Select Data sharing Dashboard
4) On the Xporter Apps page, select Careers and Enterprise
5) Click on the Sharing Permissions tab
6) On the right hand Configure Optional Fields section, click on the blue Configure button
7) You will see HomeEmail and WorkEmail with a switch to enable or disable both fields.
- If there is a learner email address in the WorkEmail field, this will be pulled through to Compass+ first
- If the WorkEmail field is blank, and there is a learner email address in the HomeEmail field, this will be pulled through to Compass+ instead
- If both the WorkEmail and HomeEmail fields are blank, please enter a learner email address into the WorkEmail field.
**Please ensure email address are your learners school email addresses, not personal emails or parent/carer email addresses.**
Please ask your IT/Data Manager to whitelist/safelist all emails from This will prevent FSQ emails to learners being blocked by your institution's IT system
- FSQ emails will come from this email address:
If you or your IT/Data Manager have any queries about how we use your data in Compass+, please refer to this section of the Help Centre for more information > How we use your data.
If you are experiencing issues with your MIS migration, or you do not understand what steps you need to take to start or complete your migration, please contact our Help Desk.
To deal with your query we will require the following information:
- Institution name
- Institution URN
- If you have a banner message at the top of your screen when you login to Compass+, what does it say?
- IT Manager contact name and email address