Here are some examples of applying certain filters to your Current Learner List to analyse learner data:
Filters applied > Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
Use the ‘Yes’ filter in both columns to see learners in your setting that are potential the most disadvantaged, click into their individual Learner Profile to drill down into what careers activities they have participated in and identify any gaps that can direct further intervention.
Filter applied > SEN
Find learners with an EHCP by applying the Education, Health and Care Plan (E) filter in the SEN column. You can also filter by SEN Support and Statement to provide an overview of all learners in your institution that have been identified as having SEN.
Filter applied > Industry of interest
See what industries learners are interested in, use to direct employer engagement for careers activities. Review against current LMI and local industry to see if this matches with learner interest.
Filter applied > Preferred option route and Final choice
Filter the table to show Year 11 or Year 13 only, in the Final Choice column filter by preferred, download the filtered table. This will download to your computer as an Excel spreadsheet, see how many learners preferred choice was employment, apprenticeships, A-Levels etc. Identify any patterns or trends.
Filter applied > Guidance interview
Check to see learners that still need to have a personal guidance interview at key stages of transition or when significant career choices are being made (Yr 11 and Yr 13 for example)
Filter by Year Group, download the filtered table. This will download to your computer as an Excel spreadsheet, apply filters to the ‘Guidance interview column’ of the spreadsheet, view the ‘blanks’ to see learners that still need to have personal guidance interviews.
Filter applied > Consent for long term tracking
Quickly see learners that have given consent for long term tracking, use the filters in the Year Group column to refine your results.
Learner reporting data can also support with:
- Processing of yearly Interests and Destinations data
- Supporting a personal guidance interview
- Supporting a discussion with a parent/carer/guardian
- Destination reporting for Local Authorities
- Providing data for SLT/Governors.